Make America Great Again, a Rainbow, Beers and Burgers at the Northern Lights Saloon.
Appreciate what you have, especially beer, burgers and a ride home after a 55 miles of dirt roads. Always finishing at the end of the Rainbow.

Heck Ya!
Alway a rainbow somewhere in life.

Rolling on into Polebridge, mile 72.
If you are ever looking for a fun dirt road ride with lunch and beers at the end, a tour from Whitefish to the town of Polebridge via Red Meadow Pass is a fun outing. Even better if you have a ride back to town lined up. Distance comes in at about 52 miles with some rolling terrain and one significant climb in the last 4 miles gaining about 1500’. Overall climbing depending comes in at about 2700’. 90% dirt and 10% pavement.

Upper Whitefish Lake Road , about mile 51.
This covered miles 45 -72 of the JCPR – Tour of the Whitefish Divide route. This section has about 2000 of climbing and 2400’ of descending.
- Miles 45 – 52 are a rolling affair with about 500’ of climbing. Road surface is in good shape.
- 52 – 55 kicks it up with maximum gradients up to 11%+ gaining about 1000’. Road surface becomes a bit rocky, with some deeper ruts/water damage.
- 55 – 67 takes you down the east side of the Red Meadow Pass Road to the North Fork Road. Loosing about 1500’ of vertical. Road Surface is in great shape, happy cruising.
- 67 – 72 takes you down the North Fork Road to Polebridge where you will need to drop off your Powerball Ticket, grab a snack and fill up on water. This is a two lane improved dirt road. It receives a fair amount of traffic and can have a fair amount some well defined wash board. Stay focused on this section, people have a tendency to drive rather fast on the North Fork Road, it can be a bit dusty also.
Pretty straight forward on this section.

The North Fork Road…
Red Meadow Pass/Lake is the turn around for the 80 mile version. Turn around will be at the picnic table at the lake.

Pausing for reflection at Red Meadow Lake.
Link to route –
Link HERE also to route.